Legacy Giving
The Mozart Society honors individuals who inform us that they are providing for the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival with a gift in their wills or other estate planning documents. All planned gifts become part of the Festival’s permanent endowment and help to ensure that the Festival continues to be an important resource for future generations.
Benefits of Membership
If you have made a gift to the Festival as part of your will or estate plan, and let us know that you have done so, we will recognize your commitment through membership in the Mozart Society.
Society members are acknowledged annually in the Festival’s summer program book, distributed at all concerts during the season. We also invite members to a private social event each year, held at the home of a Festival board member.
Giving Options
There are many planned gift options for those wishing to support the Festival. Information about any of the estate-planning tools can be obtained from your investment advisor or directly from the Festival. Please review the information below; then call for a personal consultation with Cece Derringer, Director of Development, at 505-983-2075, ext. 108, or click here to email her. Options include:
Specify in your will either a dollar amount or percentage of your estate that you want to go to the Festival while retaining the use of your assets during your lifetime.
Charitable Lead Trusts
Transferring assets to a trust that pays a yearly income to the Festival for a specified number of years, and then returns the assets to you or your designated beneficiaries. The trust assets will not be included in your estate, thus providing income, gift, and estate tax benefits.
Gifts of Real Property
Donating your home or other real estate to the Festival and receiving immediate tax benefits, even if you continue to live in your home. This keeps the property out of your taxable estate.
Life Insurance
Transferring ownership of a paid-up life insurance policy to the Festival and receiving an immediate tax deduction, as well as eliminating estate taxes at the time of your death.
Retirement Benefits
Naming the Festival as the beneficiary of IRA or other retirement plan assets, eliminating substantial estate and income taxes on these assets at the time of your death.
Naming Opportunities for Planned Gifts
Donors who make irrevocable* planned gifts may choose from a wide variety of Festival activities for naming during their lifetimes, including:
- artists’ and composers’ residencies
- education and outreach programs
- performance funds
- national radio broadcasts
*Irrevocable planned gifts may include life income gifts (such as charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder or lead trusts), life insurance policies, and gifts of real property. Bequests and other revocable planned gifts may also qualify for naming opportunities when the donor’s estate is settled and these assets are transferred to the Festival.