Guitar teacher Edgard Rivera

Edgard Rivera


Puerto Rican by birth and a New Yorker shortly thereafter, Edgard Rivera has always been involved in music. From his childhood, Rivera has organized and performed in rock bands, Salsa and Andean ensembles, and folk duos and solo performances.

He has created and performed music for film and award-winning videos, won first place in the 1986 Austin Songwriters competition, and was acclaimed “best producer” by the New Mexico Mic Awards. Rivera studied Early Childhood Education at the University of Puerto Rico before working as a Bilingual Associate Teacher of English with the Puerto Rico Board of Education. He worked at the Austin Public Library as a Children’s Program Technician, where he provided children’s programming such as Story Hour and Bilingual (English-Spanish) Sing-A-Longs, as well as classic and original puppet shows.

Edgard has taught a method of Guitar Tablature to elementary school students of the Santa Fe Public Schools for fourteen years. In 2021, he began teaching with The Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival Education Program as an Instructor for Guitar In Our Schools.

Edgard is Chief Recording Engineer and Owner of Santa Fe’s Stepbridge Recording Studios.